Is it part-time or full-time work?
All Jobsekeers can choose to look for part-time or full-time jobs depending on their personal circumstances and preference, the minimum is 8 hours per week.
How will employment effect my benefits?
Your Job Coach will advise you on the effect of employment payments on your entitlements. If you are in receipt of Disability Allowance, you can earn up to €165 per week without your payment being affected.
How much will I get paid?
When you get a job you will be paid the going rate for that job which must be in line with Employment Legislation and at least current minimum wage.
Are there any grants or incentives available?
Yes. A Wage Subsidy Scheme (WSS) is available through INTREO to eligible employers for an employee with a disability, where there is a productivity shortfall. Where the employee is paid at least the National Minimum Wage there is an available subsidy is €6.30 per hour, for a job of at least 15 hours per week, as long as the employer meets certain criteria.
In addition, there are other grants and financial supports which can be accessed through the reasonable accommodation fund.
We provide assistance in the administration of these financial incentives on behalf of an employer.
Will my insurance cost increase?
No. As long as the person is trained for the tasks they need to do and are capable of understanding the task. The Irish Insurance Federation confirmed that an employer’s liability insurance does not increase when the employer takes on an employee with a disability.
Can I terminate a contract at any time?
As with all staff members, the same terms and conditions apply to an employee receiving support through our Service.
How are candidates selected?
Our Profiling process involves identifying each of our client’s attributes and abilities, including their knowledge, experience, and transferable skills. For any position an Employer is seeking to fill, we will identify a shortlist of the most suitable candidates from our pool of Jobseekers.
How does EmployAbility Northwest support the Employer?
We can provide support to assist with the integration process. In addition to this, with the agreement of the employer and the employee, we can assist with on-the-job training.
How will my existing staff react?
International Studies have shown that staff loyalty is positively affected when a company employs a person with a disability.
What about customer perception of my business?
Showing corporate social responsibility through inclusion can reflect on your business in a very positive manner. Employing an individual with a disability has been shown to assist companies to attract and maintain a wider customer base.
What happens if it's not working out?
Just like any other staff member, if it's not working out you try and sort out the difficulties. Through EmployAbility Northwest you have the assistance of a Job Coach to support you.
Solutions can usually be found, but if it's not possible, the employment may come to an end, as it would with any employee in accordance with your terms and conditions of employment.
Our Service is there to support and assist you, where necessary, through any such situations.